If you are interested in exploring fractions, there are two resources available:
- An online course: Use an online step by step approach to conduct a Lesson Study cycle on fractions.
- A downloadable resource kit: The original resource kit used in the randomized controlled trial on Lesson Study and fractions funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, (Grant No. R305A150043).
Both resources are designed for teams of educators who would like to dive deeply into elementary fractions content using a Lesson Study cycle. Each resource uses a linear measurement context to support students develop a number sense of fractions and support Lesson Study teams to:
- Conduct a Lesson Study cycle on fractions
- Plan a fractions unit and teach at least one lesson within it as a research lesson
- Solve fractions tasks in order to anticipate student thinking
- Examine fractions resources—including curriculum materials, lesson videos, standards, and research