Models of Fractions

Models of Fractions Researcher: Which fraction is smaller, 6/4 or 6/5? Chris: 6/4. Because 4 takes longer to get to 6 than 5 does.1 Like Chris, many students reason about fractions in ways that work in certain situations but not in others. Chris may have an image of a...

Mystery Strip Activity

Mystery Strip ActivityCreate one strip of paper exactly 1 meter long and do not mark the strip in any way. See example below:Then create the blue mystery strip by downloading the instructions from the resource tile below. Be particularly careful to follow the sizing...

Examine Curriculum: Introduction to Fractions

Step 4: Examine Video Step 4 provides video to spark thinking about the design of your fractions unit. To start, revisit the beginning of the 3B fractions unit (pages 57-64) and imagine how you might teach it. Read over Akihiko Takahashi’s lesson plan for a series of...


IntroductionThe tasks students do, and the sequence of these tasks over time, can dramatically shape how students imagine and think about fractions. To consider how students build their understanding of fractions based on their prior understanding of whole numbers,...

What Images of Fractions Do Students Develop?

What Images of Fractions Do Students Develop?We examine a curriculum that introduces fractions using a linear measurement context and will see lesson videos based on the curriculum.Read the grade 3 unit (found in the resource tile below) that introduces fractions in...