Logistics Before the Day of the Research Lesson

“A lesson is like a swiftly flowing river; when you’re teaching you must make judgments instantly. When you do a research lesson, your colleagues write down your words and the students’ words. Your real profile as a teacher is revealed to you for the first...

On the Day of the Research Lesson

On the Day of the Research LessonPlease make sure each team member and additional observers have a copy of the Protocol for Lesson Observation and the Teaching-Learning Plan. Make sure that observers outside the team carefully read your Teaching-Learning Plan, review...

Teach and Observe the Lesson

Teach and Observe the Lesson It is now time for the most interesting part of your Lesson Study cycle—seeing how your ideas fare in practice in the classroom. Protocol for Lesson Observation Respect the classroom atmosphere. For example, silence phones, refrain from...

Discuss and Debrief

Proceed with Conduct a Cycle Tools The remainder of the course follows “Conduct a Cycle,” starting with Plan Step 6, Teach a Mock-up Lesson. If time is short, you can omit the mock-up...