Examine Curriculum Materials: Equivalent Fractions

Examine Grade 4 Curriculum Materials To see how the grade 3 unit lays the foundation for understanding equivalence in grade 4, we suggest that your team goes on to: Read the grade 4 fractions unit titled Mathematics 4B for Elementary School, and use Table 1 to jot...

Examine Grade 4 Curriculum Materials

Examine Grade 4 Curriculum MaterialsTo see how the grade 3 unit lays the foundation for understanding equivalence in grade 4, we suggest that your team goes on to:Read the grade 4 fractions unit titled Mathematics 4B for Elementary School, and use the Fraction Sense...

View Additional Video Excerpts

View Additional Video Excerpts If time permits, you may find it valuable to examine a second series of lessons taught by Dr. Takahashi in Illinois. The intent of these lessons was to show how to build upon the grade 3 lessons in order to help students understand...

Plan the Unit and Research Lesson

Prepare for Unit and Lesson Planning In this module, your team will agree on the flow of the fractions unit and plan one lesson within the unit in depth, to serve as a research lesson. The research lesson will be taught by one team member to their students while other...