School-wide Lesson Study Case: Hillcrest Elementary School
Hillcrest Elementary School, in San Francisco Unified School District, began its journey of school-wide lesson study in 2016, focusing on mathematics. Between 2016 and 2019, mathematics achievement at Hillcrest for students of color, low-income students and English learners went from below district averages to substantially above district averages.

Hillcrest School began to build school-wide lesson study in 2016, focusing on Teaching Through Problem-solving in mathematics. Hillcrest’s growth in mathematics standardized test scores (SBAC) from 2015-19 is shown below. The black lines show SFUSD results.

*Information from the California Department of Education
Hillcrest School demographics are shown below.
*Information from the Education Data Partnership
Some distinguishing features of the school’s work include
- Teachers conduct in-depth study of mathematical content they teach
- Teacher-led cycles of experimentation with reflective mathematics journals, focused on sharing and spreading effective use of journals
- After public research lessons, students use their own mathematics journals to teach small groups of outside educators how journals are used to support mathematics learning
- Teacher leaders take part in SFUSD’s teacher fellowship program