by Catherine Lewis | May 16, 2020
From Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK-12, May 2020. Excerpt: Our middle school mathematics department used lesson study to investigate how to introduce fractions division to our sixth-grade students. We highlight our learnings during the Study and Plan...
by Michael Nicoloff | May 2, 2019
Published by Stylus Publishing, 2011.Description:This book introduces lesson study practices to college teachers, providing the necessary guidance, tools, examples, models, and ideas to enable teachers to undertake lesson study in their own classes. It also explores...
by Michael Nicoloff | May 2, 2019
Published by Heinemann, 2011.Description:It’s a simple idea: if we want to improve instruction, what could be more obvious than collaborating with fellow teachers to plan instruction and examine its impact on students? Lesson Study empowers teachers to improve...
by Michael Nicoloff | Feb 26, 2018
From Nagoya Journal of Education and Human Development, January 2002, No. 1. Excerpt: When I lived in Japan during 1967, I learned to love sushi. At that time, there were just a few sushi restaurants in the US, patronized almost exclusively by Japanese. I would have...
by Michael Nicoloff | Feb 26, 2018
From American Educator, 1998. Excerpt: In recent years, Japanese elementary school teachers have succeeded in making a basic change in their approach to science teaching. They have shifted from “teaching as telling” to “teaching for...