
Three Perspectives on Lesson Study

A video by the Lesson Study Group at Mills College.


This video features three scholars discussing Lesson Study:

Catherine Lewis (Mills College) addresses 16 frequently asked questions about Lesson Study. Drawing on her research on Lesson Study in Japan and in the U.S., she tackles issues including goal setting, curriculum content, teachers’ learning, supports for Lesson Study, and equity for diverse learners. (22 minutes)

Clea Fernandez (Columbia University) reports on her observation of U.S. Lesson Study groups that work in partnership with Japanese teachers. Fernandez discusses how the practices of goal setting, lesson selection, data collection, and record keeping become meaningful for U.S. teachers in Lesson Study partnerships. (19 minutes)

Jim Stigler (UCLA) outlines the benefits of the Lesson Study process in slowing down and thereby making visible each stage of the teaching cycle: planning, teaching the lesson, and reflecting. Dr. Stigler also outlines some of the barriers to Lesson Study, including time and subject matter knowledge, and suggests that technology and the internet can help to address these issues. (12 minutes)


Lesson Study process