Shelley Friedkin
Senior Research Associate
Shelley Friedkin is a Senior Research Associate for Lesson Study Group at Mills College. She graduated from Brunel University in England with an elementary teaching credential and taught in Central London. She received her doctorate in Education Leadership from Mills College. Her dissertation focused on teacher professional noticing and teacher use of data during practice-based professional development. For over 15 years she has collaborated on the design, implementation, and management of U.S. school site and district studies to develop teacher learning and Lesson Study. These include the program development and testing of Japanese Teaching Through Problem-solving (TTP) as a resource for U.S. elementary mathematics teachers, the implementation and testing of research-based toolkits to improve the content base of Lesson Study, and the development ofLesson Study as a university-regional model. Her specialty is teachers’ learning from practice and practice-based artifacts, and she has overseen the development of video and web-based resources that have improved teachers’ learning and instruction in randomized controlled trials. More recently, her focus has been on developing school-wide Lesson Study.