As You Participate in Each Meeting

As You Participate in Each Meeting We suggest that you use an agenda to guide each meeting; the sample agendas above can be used as a guide. When your team is solving mathematical tasks, we recommend that you provide time for team members to solve the task...

Logistics Before the Day of the Research Lesson

“A lesson is like a swiftly flowing river; when you’re teaching you must make judgments instantly. When you do a research lesson, your colleagues write down your words and the students’ words. Your real profile as a teacher is revealed to you for the first...

Develop the Lesson Flow

Develop the Lesson FlowUsing the left and middle columns of the Research Lesson Plan (Section #7 in the Fractions Course Teaching-Learning Plan), capture the learning flow for your research lesson.This should include the tasks or activities of the lesson, anticipated...

Lesson Series 2

Lesson Series 2 If time permits, you may find it valuable to examine a second series of lessons taught by Dr. Takahashi in Illinois. The intent of these lessons was to show how to build upon the grade 3 lessons in order to help students understand equivalent...