by millscollege_sorigin | Jun 29, 2018
by millscollege_sorigin | Jun 29, 2018
by millscollege_sorigin | Jun 29, 2018
1.3: The 4 Phases of a TTP Lesson Click on the flowchart below to read a summary of each phase and click on a video example to see what that phase looks like at grade K, 2 and 5. Grasp the Problem WHAT STUDENTS DO Understand the problem and develop interest in solving...
by millscollege_sorigin | Jun 29, 2018
1.2: How Teaching Through Problem-Solving Relates to the Curriculum In Teaching Through Problem-solving, students use their current knowledge to build the next big mathematical concept or procedure in the curriculum. To achieve this goal, teachers need to think deeply...
by millscollege_sorigin | Jun 29, 2018
What is the Course Structure? The course is divided into three modules, each consisting of a number of shorter inquiries. Course Structure Estimated Time Needed to Complete Module 1: Introduction to TTP 1 hour 15 minutes 1.1: Teaching Through Problem-solving...