Conducting the Post-Lesson Discussion

Conduct the Post-Lesson DiscussionWhile we generally think of this guide as a set of suggestions rather than a blueprint, the post-lesson discussion of the research lesson is one place where we suggest you closely follow the Protocol for Post-Lesson Discussion.Be sure...

Protocol for Post-Lesson Discussion

Protocol for Post-Lesson DiscussionThe Instructor’s Reflections: The instructor describes the goals for today’s lesson, comments on what went well and on any difficulties, and reflects on what was learned in planning and conducting today’s lesson. (5 minutes or...

End-of-Cycle Reflection

End-of-Cycle ReflectionAt the end of your team’s work together, please hold an end-of-cycle reflection meeting to consider what you have learned from this lesson study cycle. We recommend reserving one whole meeting for this reflection process, at least an hour and a...

Teaching Through Problem-solving

Welcome to the Teaching Through Problem-Solving (TTP) online course. Teaching Through Problem-Solving is an approach to mathematics teaching that allows students to build mathematical reasoning and habits of mind as they learn each topic in the mathematics curriculum....