by Michael Nicoloff | Jul 2, 2018
Common Challenges with Fractions From solving the three different fraction tasks and considering student solutions, summarize your team’s insights so far about the question: What is difficult for students about fractions? The table “What’s Hard About Fraction Number...
by millscollege_sorigin | Jun 29, 2018
Step 3: Curriculum Exploration This step allows you to examine curriculum materials and fraction models. It provides fuel for thinking about items 2-5 of the unit plan for fractions that you have been working on. Researcher: Which fraction is smaller? 64 or 65...
by Michael Nicoloff | Jul 2, 2018
Models of Fractions Researcher: Which fraction is smaller, 6/4 or 6/5? Chris: 6/4. Because 4 takes longer to get to 6 than 5 does.1 Like Chris, many students reason about fractions in ways that work in certain situations but not in others. Chris may have an image of a...
by Michael Nicoloff | Jul 2, 2018
Mystery Strip ActivityCreate one strip of paper exactly 1 meter long and do not mark the strip in any way. See example below:Then create the blue mystery strip by downloading this PDF file, making sure to follow the sizing instructions discussed in the document. Do...
by millscollege_sorigin | Jul 10, 2018
Step 4: Examine Video Step 4 provides video to spark thinking about the design of your fractions unit. To start, revisit the beginning of the 3B fractions unit (pages 57-64) and imagine how you might teach it. Read over Akihiko Takahashi’s lesson plan for a series of...