Common Challenges with Fractions

Common Challenges with Fractions From solving the three different fraction tasks and considering student solutions, summarize your team’s insights so far about the question: What is difficult for students about fractions? The table “What’s Hard About Fraction Number...

Explore Fraction Models

Step 3: Curriculum Exploration This step allows you to examine curriculum materials and fraction models. It provides fuel for thinking about items 2-5 of the unit plan for fractions that you have been working on. Researcher: Which fraction is smaller? 64 or 65...

Models of Fractions

Models of Fractions Researcher: Which fraction is smaller, 6/4 or 6/5? Chris: 6/4. Because 4 takes longer to get to 6 than 5 does.1 Like Chris, many students reason about fractions in ways that work in certain situations but not in others. Chris may have an image of a...

Mystery Strip Activity

Mystery Strip ActivityCreate one strip of paper exactly 1 meter long and do not mark the strip in any way. See example below:Then create the blue mystery strip by downloading this PDF file, making sure to follow the sizing instructions discussed in the document. Do...