by Michael Nicoloff | Mar 12, 2018
From NAIS online, 2014. Abstract: In Japan, math educators have been thinking about how to develop problem-solving for several decades. This article walks through a typical 5th grade teaching through problem solving mathematics lesson highlighting some of the...
by Michael Nicoloff | Feb 26, 2018
Excerpt: An excerpt from Chapter 4 of Lesson Study: A Handbook of Teacher-led Instructional Change, summarizing the opportunities that well-designed Lesson Study should provide. Keywords: Originally from The California Science Project Connection, Volume 2, No....
by Michael Nicoloff | Feb 13, 2018
From Education Week, 2010. Excerpt: As states and school districts across the country embrace common-core standards, U.S. educators are in need of a public proving ground where standards-based instruction can be enacted and studied. What might such a proving ground...
by Michael Nicoloff | Jan 4, 2018
From ASCD Express, 2010. Excerpt: Lesson study is a form of professional development in which a small team of teachers collaborate to plan a research lesson. It provides a systematic process that involves four steps: Identifying an aspect of student learning that...