Investigating Using Lesson Study

From Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching PK-12, May 2020. Excerpt: Our middle school mathematics department used lesson study to investigate how to introduce fractions division to our sixth-grade students. We highlight our learnings during the Study and Plan...

Lesson Study Comes of Age in North America

From Phi Delta Kappan, 2006. Excerpt: Lesson study, the dominant form of professional development for teachers in Japan, has spread rapidly in the U.S. since 1999. The authors discuss the growth and success of lesson study at Highlands Elementary School in...

CLR – A Powerful Form of Lesson Study

From Lesson Study Alliance, based on an article in ZDM, 2016. Excerpt: “Lesson Study” is a translation of the Japanese phrase jugyou kenkyuu, which refers to a set of practices that have been used in Japan to improve teaching and learning for over 100 years. Lesson...

Teaching to Collaborate, Collaborating to Teach

From Teaching as Principled Practice: Managing Complexity for Social Justice. Excerpt: Teaching is hard-too hard to attempt in isolation. The promise of collegiality is far too great to ignore. Yet, Colleen’s statement about time illustrates one of the many...