Can You Lift 100 Kilograms? The Lesson Research Cycle

A video by the Lesson Study Group at Mills College. Description: This video follows the Lesson Study process of a group of grade 5 and 6 teachers at a public elementary school in Tokyo. The teachers plan a unit and research lesson on levers, teach the lesson to a...

Place Value: How to Assess Students’ Understanding

  From Marilyn Burns Math Blog, January 18, 2016. Excerpt: If you’re familiar with Cooks Illustrated magazine, you know that they use their test kitchen to tinker with recipes and improve on them. In each issue, they report on all of the attempts they make and...


Overview In this resource, we discuss the teaching and learning of decimals. We consider important similarities and differences between decimals and fractions, qualities of our base-ten number system to emphasize when teaching decimals, and considerations for...

Fluency and Flexibility with Numbers

Have you seen students in upper elementary or middle school use their fingers to calculate? What early elementary experiences would build fluency with mental calculation so students would not need to rely on their fingers in later grades? The mathematics resource...

Addition and Subtraction, Part 1: Story Problems

Overview In this resource, we discuss the teaching and learning of addition and subtraction. Often, students’ understanding of this topic is heavily grounded in rote computation of numbers, separated from any real-life context. Unfortunately, this can leave gaps in...