Teaching to Collaborate, Collaborating to Teach

From Teaching as Principled Practice: Managing Complexity for Social Justice. Excerpt: Teaching is hard-too hard to attempt in isolation. The promise of collegiality is far too great to ignore. Yet, Colleen’s statement about time illustrates one of the many...

The Basics in Japan: The Three C’s

From Educational Leadership, Volume 55, Issue 6. Excerpt: We recently hosted a young Japanese schoolteacher who, after asking us many questions about American elementary schools, turned to the questions that were really on his mind: How many Americans carry guns to...

Does Lesson Study Have a Future in the United States?

From Nagoya Journal of Education and Human Development, January 2002, No. 1. Excerpt: When I lived in Japan during 1967, I learned to love sushi. At that time, there were just a few sushi restaurants in the US, patronized almost exclusively by Japanese. I would have...