A lot of [U.S.] schools develop mission statements, but we don’t do anything with them. The mission statements get put in a drawer and then teachers become cynical…Lesson Study gives guts to a mission statement, makes it real, and brings it to life.
—Cindy Ann Black, U.S. educator
Bring Your School’s Vision to Life
School-wide Lesson Study supports teachers to “give guts” to a school vision – to test out, share, and refine the practices needed to make it real and bring it to life.
At Dr. Jorge Prieto Math and Science Academy, educators have focused their School-wide Lesson Study on nurturing students who make sense of mathematics problems and persevere in solving them. The fishbone diagram below captures the instructional elements they see as essential to their goal. Over their years of School-wide Lesson Study, they have used research, outside specialists, and their own careful observation of research lessons to help them learn about these elements and build them in their classrooms. The fishbone is a work in progress, which captures what they are learning as they test and refine classroom practices designed to nurture students’ mathematical sense-making and perseverance. You can see video clips here showing how students from this school make sense of mathematics problems and persevere in solving them.
Matsuzawa School’s Research Theme